Saturday, June 25, 2011

Mountain of Trash

Lately, I've been thinking why I have so many bad decisions. Why is it so hard for me to decide about things? 

I have been through a lot these last two months. I've fought with strong emotions and fear. I wonder how I managed everything. I fell and got buried in a mountain of trash. I can't see anything. There's no light, no sound, and nothing to hold onto. I was lost.

I didn't know how to get out. My mind was screaming " get out, get out, GET OUT!". But how? Where do I start?

It seemed like everyone had abandoned me. They were all angry at me. And disappointed. I didn't know what to say. I didn't know how to face them. I felt ashamed of myself.

Then, someone called out " I'll help you!". I felt hope. 

I fought. I fought very hard till I saw a little light. I grabbed it for it was all I had to get out of this mess. I need to fight, so, I fought. I fought very hard.

Somehow, I won. I was brought back to life. It was all very bright again. I can laugh again. I'm free and I'm happy.

I got recycled! 

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